How we help African Wildlife
We’re thrilled you’re curious about how African Dream Foods is working to promote conservation efforts across the African continent. Wildlife conservation is a cause that is close to our hearts, and it is vital that these animals are protected. Some African species are critically endangered and it is up to us to do what we can to protect these special creatures.
Know that when you purchase our products we are helping support these important causes.

We donate a portion of every single bottle sold (between .10 and .40 cents) directly to conservation organizations that are actively fighting to protect endangered animals across the African continent.
There’s no place on Earth like Africa. Its cultures, cuisines, unique wildlife and awe-inspiring scenery have truly captured our hearts. That’s why it’s our mission to introduce the continent’s unique flavors and spices to the world while simultaneously supporting initiatives that protect Africa’s beauty and diversity.

Wildlife Photography on Our Labels
In featuring wildlife photography on African Dream Foods product labels, we’re not just showcasing the beauty of Africa’s animals—we’re prompting conversations and stirring awareness of rapid population declines. If an image is worth a thousand words, our labels have plenty to say about how urgently these magnificent creatures need our help.

Photo by Hermis Heridas
Starting early in the morning at the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya to find a mating pair of lions. Finally, after the sun was up, they stood up in the grass and we were able to see them. I got some good pictures of this mating pair. After some time, the lion walked a bit far from his partner and sat in the grass facing the sun, as if he needed a break.

Grey-Crowned Crane
Photo by Nisha Purushothaman
When you keep quiet and wait patiently, then every species comes close to you. This grey-crowned crane is photographed on an afternoon safari in Masai Mara National Reserve. They are common in Masai Mara, hence, easy to sight and if you have some time to spend without making much noise, they are a very good subject to photograph.

Photo by Anonymous
The photographer wishes to remain anonymous because it is a shot that can truly be taken by anyone. Nature is so magnificent and there is a wonderful photographer in each of us who can capture the beauty of our surroundings at any moment. We hope this inspires you to get out there and photograph what you find beautiful in nature.

The Poser (Lion Cub)
Photo by Nisha Purushothaman
This pride had 14 cubs, all different ages. It was a late evening in Masai Mara, Kenya. When you are with such a big pride, you always get confused. Cubs are fun to watch and they are full of energy. This little one was a naughty one. I felt there was a connection, and he posed for me.

Southern White Rhino
Photo by Tom Svensson
I just love the rhinos and being able to take photos of them with horn is so nice. I am happy to report the security is so good at the amazing Solio park in Kenya, they don’t have poaching. To be this close to one of the oldest species on earth is amazing and always makes me happy.

Saba (Leopard)
Photo by Nisha Purushothaman
This leopard is known as Saba of the Masai Mara in Kenya and she is also notoriously elusive. I was lucky that I got around two hours with her that evening. In this time I saw two failed hunting attempts. While I was snapping this photo, she was using our vehicle as cover to stalk her prey.

Cheetah on Tree
Photo by Hermis Heridas
This cheetah is one of the sub-adults born to the famous Cheetah Malaika. On this day at Masai Mara, Malaika was with her two other sub-adult boys. I spent the day with this cheetah family. They kept walking from one place to another and we followed. Finally, they stopped near this huge tree and started playing. They climbed on top of the tree and then jumped down.

Giraffe from Solio
Photo by Tom Svensson
The area of Solio in Kenya, offers so many possibilities to get great dusk lighted photos. At sunset when giraffes are walking across the plain, to their sleeping area, it is the perfect time to get these yellow hued photos. Giraffes are such amazing beautiful animals and we need to save them so our grandchildren can also be able to see them in the wild.

Photo by Hermis Heridas
This was taken during an afternoon safari in Masai Mara. We were searching for a long time to photograph some animal and we ended up in front of a zebra herd. We found this zebra a little away from the herd standing and watching us. I thought it would be a nice portrait opportunity of the zebra. By the way, every zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes.

Giraffe from Solio
Photo by Tom Svensson
One of my favourite parks in Kenya is Solio. This was taken when the sun was going down and the giraffes walked from their feeding area to their sleeping area. And that short time before the sun is all gone the light is very yellow and all you have to do is underexpose a bit to get the colour in there. I have had the honour many times to take photos of them at sunset.

Photo by Hermis Heridas
This was taken during an afternoon safari in Masai Mara. We were searching for a long time to photograph some animal and we ended up in front of a zebra herd. We found this zebra a little away from the herd standing and watching us. I thought it would be a nice portrait opportunity of the zebra. By the way, every zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes.

Photo by Hermis Heridas
This was taken during an afternoon safari in Masai Mara. We were searching for a long time to photograph some animal and we ended up in front of a zebra herd. We found this zebra a little away from the herd standing and watching us. I thought it would be a nice portrait opportunity of the zebra. By the way, every zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes.
Organizations we support
African Dream Foods works with dedicated, passionate conservation organizations that are fighting for Africa’s endangered species through grassroots community efforts, research funding, habitat preservation, and education initiatives.

Wild Shots Outreach
Wild Shots Outreach addresses the need for more young people of local communities to experience wildlife they previously had little or no access to. It is hoped that the battle for conservation can be won by sharing the beauty and value of South Africa’s wildlife with all its citizens. Wild Shots Outreach gained NPO (Not-for-Profit status) in June 2017 and won the SANParks’ Kudu Award for best environmental education programme.

Paws Trails
PAWS TRAILS was created in 2015 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, by friends and wildlife photographers Nisha Purushothaman and Hermis Haridas. Both have been working in this field for over a decade and decided to join hands to form PAWS TRAILS, with a mission to create a larger community of photographers and artists from all over the world to collaborate in increasing awareness about nature conservation.